Friday 17 April 2009


Computers - you can't live with 'em, you can't live without 'em and most of the time they don't want to live with you either!

Hello, by the way, and welcome to my new blog. Who knows how this is going to go - i'll probably write in it once and then give up, but never mind. Good intentions, roads, fiery places and all that!

I am currently quite excited as my new computer should hopefully be waiting for me on my desk on Monday morning when I arrive at work. The emphasis in that last sentence should be on the hopefully...we shall see! Now, once our I.T. guy has finished messing around, ahem, sorry I mean setting it up (i'll leave you to guess where the emphasis should go in that sentence!), I will be the proud user of a brand new, shiny iMac.

Oooooooh a lot of you may say. How exciting. Now don't get me wrong - I'm all for a new computer, as the one I currently have at work dates from circa. 1950 and takes around 3 days to do anything useful before breaking for the rest of the week. However, I am (oh dear, dare I admit this...?) a little nervous by the fact it is a Mac. Ok, OK all you Mac lovers out there you can shout at me all you want and tell me I should be running round jumping for joy, but the truth is I've never really used a Mac before and I'm quite fond of a good ol' PC. Apart from Vista - now don't get me started on THAT! So we shall see how I get on - watch this space. I do hope I become one of the legions of Mac lovers out there, really, I do - it's just at the moment I can't quite see it...They're all, well, different to be honest. But as they say, change is good - especially, I must add, when you find it at the bottom of an old handbag and had forgotten it was there.

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