Tuesday 12 May 2009

HTML, Web 2.0 and CSS - FYI

It has always been a longing of mine to actually learn how to make these pages pretty - instead of having to rely on the rather standard templates provided.

So I bought myself a book.

It is going well so far! I'm on page 246 out of 894 - yes, it is rather a big book. And actually I'm really enjoying myself. I feel like a proper, geeky, techie now! Well nearly. As you can see I haven't quite managed to put what I've learnt in to practice yet. But bare with me. One day you will come to my blog and be blown away by the innovative design concepts...well, maybe.

Now, I went to a seminar the other day about the future of the web and internet marketing. I found myself in a room with mainly middle aged, male suits who had obviously been sent by their various companies to 'get the latest know-how' and were sulkingly hating the powers-that-be at that precise moment. The main thought in the air seemed to be - "but, why should I care about Twitter/Facebook/Blogging" (delete as applicable).

We started with a few questions.

Who has a Facebook page? A smattering of hands were raised. Who uses Facebook for professional reasons rather than personal? A couple of hands. Who has a Twitter account? Again a few raised hands. Who keeps a blog? This time it was only me and my very great friend who was accompanying me, who raised our hands. The organiser looked mildly impressed. We seemed to be streets ahead of anyone else in the room.

It just amused me that what we think of as hypothetical, stereotypical web-shy users - actually exist. And in great numbers too. Think on dear bloggers. If you're reading this then you're probably streets ahead of most people out there!


  1. I would have put my hand up to all three! Love Blogging and Facebook, on both far too often but just can't seem to get into Twitter. Too many people with interest only in themselves!

    CJ xx

  2. Twitter does seem to be rather an acquired taste! I do have a page but my 'tweets' are sadly not very regular, nor very interesting.
