Tuesday 5 May 2009

It's like panto...oh no it isn't!

Sometimes I think my job is amazing. Now, don't get me wrong - I don't ever dislike it - just some days are more exciting than others!

Take today for example (and it's only 3.55pm - plenty more time for more exciting/odd/bizarre things to happen!) It started out as a normal, Monday morning. Yes, I realise that it's actually Tuesday, but being a Bank Holiday yesterday means that it is the start of the working week today and therefore, a Monday. If you're still with me, you're doing well! Anyway...I got in to the office and was immediately caught up in the whirlwind of sorting out a photo shoot for a our latest poster image - always interesting and exciting - and it gets you away from the desk! Even more exciting, my hands star in said poster shoot - oh yes, the humble hands that are being used at this precise moment to type this very blog. They're stars. I do hope they don't start to get big headed and demand ridiculous things to be sent to their dressing rooms.......sorry, I digress.

Onwards, with my other exciting tale of the day. I've just returned from 'meet the company' - which is basically where us lot here at the Playhouse say hello to the latest set of actors and creatives coming in to work on the next show. It's all very jolly usually and involves having a cup of tea, trying to remember your name and job title and then going back to work, having only spent time talking to the people that are in your office. Ahhh politics..... Well this afternoon I was very excited as one of the actors and the MD for the next show 'Garage Band' are in fact regulars of the Playhouse pantomime. If you need a refresher for why that's exciting then simply read the title of this blog. Are you back? Good. Another particular highlight was the sight of our Artistic Director trying to scramble up on to a counter to deliver his speech. Incident has been caught on camera so look out for it on a YouTube near you.......tube. Hmmmm that's too many tubes but you get the idea. So to summise, it was rather like panto, only it's May not November!

It's still raining though! Some things never change...

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